Started in the Bay Area. Been working in PR for 11 years -- enterprise and consumer tech -- and have lived in a rural town in Idaho since 1998. By day I live the scrambled and fast-paced life of a comms consultant with a firm in Silicon Valley. The rest of the time I'm just a flip flop-wearin' wife and mom to two kids in a town where you have to hunt down the rare wireless connection, the only highway is two lanes, and the post office workers know me by name.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Phew, it's not just me (not that it helps)

This CNN story on "mommy guilt" struck a chord with me. The anchor/author, Judy Fortin, and her interviewees hit on some of the emotions I feel every day.

It's hard to be a stay-at-home mom -- it's a lot of work. I "temped" at it for 9 months cumulatively (with 2 kids) and it's more challenging than anyone that hasn't been there can ever imagine. Makes the lunch breaks and benefits offered by Wal-Mart look luxurious.

But, it's also hard to be a worker bee and mother too. If I didn't work where I do...I am not sure I would be sane (or am I anyway?). I feel lucky I work where I do because it gives me flexibility many other working moms don't have. I get to do the Mother's Day "Mommy and Me Tea Party" with my two year old. I get to watch both kids and the ensuing mayhem in their Hop-a-Thon, Bike-A-Thon, etc. when they roll around. And, I get to attend each Winter/Spring program where my son yells the words instead of singing them while fist pumping all over the place and my daughter would rather lift her dress over her head and then laugh maniacally.

However, it *seems* no matter what choice I make (Hop-a-Thon versus con call) I feel guilty about something. Am I shortchanging my kids by dropping them off to school in the morning and saying goodbye to them until 5? Am I letting my colleagues down by bolting early to go do the preschool pickup? And... to top all that off I then feel guilty that all the decisions are between kids and work and I don't take care of me and my health.

Or maybe I should just let go and realize I can't be the end all be all for everyone.

Naahh...that doesn't feel right either. ;)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Right on, lady

I have no idea who this is but found her post while looking for an image to use for my post tomorrow because I am going to see the new HP flick (FINALLY).

I vibe with this girl. Right on, right on....

This is as great as my coworker that found the recipe for butterbeer and made it to bring along with her to the movie. That also rocks. Or, what about my other coworker that has let me know that she will be requesting time off when the new Harry Potter theme park opens. Also sweeet.

IT = Information Technology or IT = Irrational Times

Since June I’ve had IT woes. Missed emails, latency issues and sporadic disconnects with our corporate email server. Oh the joys of working remote. 99% of the time I consider myself very lucky to live the life I have, but on days when email isn’t working for me I live in fear of missing an important client assignment or email invite and generally am floundering. It ain't easy being 800 miles from our office.
Thankfully, we have a very patient and thorough IT dude at work. After work one night he spent two (very boring and frustrating, I’m sure) hours on the phone with me in order to get my new wireless router up and running.

But wow. The new one kicks arse! I’ve had it up and running for a business week basically and so far its uber reliable and the reach is all the way down my block (lucky neighbors). Yay, NetGear!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Still waiting...

...for my guest blogger to submit his/her Transformers review (if said person was not intoxicated during the screening).

Giddyup already!

Other guest posts welcome from friendlies, send 'em my way via email (if you're a friendly, you'll have my email, eh). :)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Rumor confirmed... Bionic Woman Airs this Fall

As discussed in a post here in October, there's an updated Bionic Woman comin' to town! Check out the site here for video previews. I'm not sold based on the "trailers" but will give it a look-see.

In my prior post, I threw out a few names of who I thought might fit the bill. Well, I was wrong wrong wrong. The new badass is someone named Michelle Ryan.

She'll never be Lindsay Wagner!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Summer TV Sucks but...

...there are a few highlights for the RBM.

Grey's Anatomy reruns are still going (on ABC and Lifetime on Sundays). Considering I tried being an anti-bandwagoner and didn't start watching the series until the 2nd half of this season, this is good news for me. Yay for smutty brain candy.

Entourage has a good twist this season w the demise of Vince's fortune and the somewhat separate storyline for Ari. You just love to hate Ari. And, even though Drama has a sucessful series now, he still has heinous luck -- that has to be karma for his HM ways.

John from Cincinnati is a trip and I've told myself I don't care if I watch it again but I keep feeling compelled to watch again, and am even anxious for the next one. It's mysteriously intriguing. Even though the intrigue is not engaging, the very intense characters are. Also, I think I keep tuned in to figure out who, exactly, the main cast includes because it's got a solid ensemble -- and then they keep adding more (like the Doc in the last episode, who I feel will be around for a while).

Drive Thru - Caribbean. Those silly surfer boys are at it again. My fave is Benji. They're all real, but Benji seems the most "even" wrt being a normal person (normal is subjective of course). And, he freakin' cracks me up - I still have the image of him riding the ostrich from last season and it makes me chuckle every time. I liked Pat this trip more than I did in South Africa, he seems to be more comfortable this time around. And, you gotta get a kick out of Donovan every time. The dude is chronic chill.

Thank all that's holy for the Giants (even though they're NLW cellar dwellers right now).