Started in the Bay Area. Been working in PR for 11 years -- enterprise and consumer tech -- and have lived in a rural town in Idaho since 1998. By day I live the scrambled and fast-paced life of a comms consultant with a firm in Silicon Valley. The rest of the time I'm just a flip flop-wearin' wife and mom to two kids in a town where you have to hunt down the rare wireless connection, the only highway is two lanes, and the post office workers know me by name.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Identity Crisis

If you’ve been here before, you’ll notice that I’ve had a blogger identity crisis. I’ve redone the page, as you can see, to reflect my morphing online identity.

It all started when I stopped drinking Red Bull. HOLD. Don’t get the wrong idea. I am still a caffeine freak. Red Bull itself simply became too pricey.

I considered renaming the whole blog but nothing else felt right. I have become kinda attached to signing all my comments, posts, etc. “RBM” and it has become my personal online identity.

So I’m RBM. But I drink Rock Star, Full Throttle, or Max Velocity – whatever is on sale that week. I’ll have to be content with that… until I can get Red Bull to sponsor me that is. ;-)

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