Started in the Bay Area. Been working in PR for 11 years -- enterprise and consumer tech -- and have lived in a rural town in Idaho since 1998. By day I live the scrambled and fast-paced life of a comms consultant with a firm in Silicon Valley. The rest of the time I'm just a flip flop-wearin' wife and mom to two kids in a town where you have to hunt down the rare wireless connection, the only highway is two lanes, and the post office workers know me by name.

Friday, November 30, 2007

The one boob wonder

My mom is the strongest, most amazing woman I know. She endured hours of surgery yesterday (masectomy, if you couldn't guess by the title) and still managed to call last night to let us know she was doing well and feeling good. She was even cracking jokes and asking for more pics of the grandkids so she could check them out online.

I hope I am even half as strong a woman as she is when I'm old enough to be known as "Grandma".
Two battles down, one more to go.
A special thanks also goes out to "Nurse Grandpa", who has been taking good care of our VIP patient.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Trypto Day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

From one mother to another

Mother Nature is not cooperating this year and is messing with a favorite family tradition. For the past several years we’ve had a Ski’n’Turkey Thanksgiving where we (read: my husband, the chef) prep the Turkey and other staples like green bean casserole (my contribution) and then our family of four would head out for a few hours of skiing and/or sledding fun. Then, tuckered out from the outdoor activity we’d return to the wonderful smell of a nearly-done turkey and the anticipation of hanging with friends and family. Ahhh…I am getting nostalgic and giddy just thinking about it.

This year, though, there is no snow. They’re even delaying the opening of the mountain until SATURDAY. Boooo. I mean, this is where we’ve scored 99% of our holiday card pics since everyone is thoroughly and genuinely enjoying their first day out. We’ll still take our two future Olympians skiing on the kiddie slopes where we can use our own vim vigor to get them up the hill and the manmade snow is bountiful, and they will inevitably have a blast. But wouldn’t it be nice if it just dumped snow tonight through Thursday? C’mon, Mother Nature. Don’t you want to help this taurine-lovin’ mom out? :)

Below is a short vid of our youngest skiing at 22 months old (last January).