Some nights I have to work late. We could all work late every night though. Tonight I did not. Tonight I watched American Idol (go, Blake!) and surfed my favorite reading grounds.
I found a post on one of the blogs (What I hear you saying is...) that I check out once a month or so and it reminded me of our own office and our interviewing techniques. The post is titled "On Interviewing" and it's about questions that he asks recruiting candidates and then what it is he's really asking for with the question.
From the post:
I like to ask questions to which the only right answer is the one you will inevitably give me. For example: What was the best day of your life? ... and What did you eat for dinner last night?
The post is more substantial than just those two Qs but... This reminds me of one very respected and seasoned peep in our office that nearly scared away one of our finest recruits. And it wasn't the first time...
He always liked (I use past tense because I think I harrassed him enough about it) to ask "Where do you see yourself in five years?" I think this is a completey fair question for someone with ~5 years in the industry under their belt. However, ask a "still finding themselves" 23 year old and it might be as scary as the first time their parents told them "you're on your own" (assuming they had help). Five years was just the longest time of their lives (in their eyes).
Anyway, it all worked itself out for the best. The guy ended up joining our clan of crazies anyway, despite not knowing if he was signing away five years of his life to us for reals or not (he'll hit his 3 year anniversary this July).
Now, one of my favorite things to do is poll the "new hires" a year or so after they've been at the company about their interview experiences. I get some frickin' funnnnny stories.
So, esteemed readers, tell me some of the interview questions that have sent you for a tailspin - and don't leave me hanging!?
(I want to know so I can try them out on our interviewee tomorrow - kidding!)