Started in the Bay Area. Been working in PR for 11 years -- enterprise and consumer tech -- and have lived in a rural town in Idaho since 1998. By day I live the scrambled and fast-paced life of a comms consultant with a firm in Silicon Valley. The rest of the time I'm just a flip flop-wearin' wife and mom to two kids in a town where you have to hunt down the rare wireless connection, the only highway is two lanes, and the post office workers know me by name.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

To my silent readers...

I have not gone back into hibernation. I will be back. Bear with me!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Live, from New's DWIGHT!

The Office is one of my favorite shows. Any 30 minute story that can make you so physically uncomfortable (cue Michael dragging Phyllis' dad's wheelchair down the aisle when upstaged at her wedding or Ryan knocking the bouquet from Kelly's reach during the toss) yet leave you wanting more (cue Jim and Pam) is a true work of art.

I also like to think it's educational for me too, since I learn tons about how NOT to handle HR issues in an office. (You're PMSing pretty bad, huh?)

So when one of my "where the red bull flows" tracked bloggers (Laptop Television) clued me into the fact that Rainn Wilson would host SNL on February 24th, this weekend house rat was thrilled!

To quote a post from the Rainn Wilson fan site, "I hope he doesn't SCHRUTE the monologue."

Listing here.

Tivos...start your engines (yes, we have two)!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The One That I Want

That's right. I watch that show. And enjoy it thoroughly.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

reason #1,097,923 why my mom rocks

My mom has always set a good example for me to follow in regards to paying attention (to many things in life). Example number 1,097,923 follows in the form of an email I received from my mom the other day.

I had the opportunity to attend a NARAL luncheon in Napa and hear Sarah Weddington, the lady who argued the winning side of the landmark case Roe v. Wade before the Supreme Court which gave women the right to chose whether or not they wanted an abortion. It was like seeing and touching a part of history. She told how when she graduated with her law class she was one of 5 women and couldn’t find a job. Going before the Supreme Court was actually her first case! She was such a good speaker, setting the scene for going into the Supreme Court and giving the background. She also was a close friend and colleague of Ann Richardson, deceased ex-governer of Texas and Molly Ivens who just passed away. She was awesome!!

No matter which side of the Pro Choice/Pro Life fence you prefer to reside on there is one common denominator -- we should all pay attention to the issues facing us today. And, we could all learn a little something by paying attention to the past. Anyway... I think my mom rocks. I love that she is so involved and is passionate about the issues that matter to her.

Monday, February 05, 2007

the OTHER part of our trip

Traveling with toddlers. The kids did awesome at the airport and were great about getting on the plane. However, my kids (like me) are prone to getting motion sick. In a ‘bout of poor judgment we gave our three year old Cheetos (yes, I know they are unhealthy) as a snack at the airport. The result? Orange barf on the airplane. Sweetness. The flight attendants loved us, I know it.

Trying to make everyone happy (including me?). The goal was to spend as much time as I could with colleagues and clients while I was there. However, knowing my cute little tots were waiting for me at the in-laws made that tough. That is probably the hardest part of traveling for work when I have the whole fam with me.

The sickness sticks like stink on a fart. For the past year (seems like basically since the kids went into preschool/daycare) our house has been like the petri dish for all colds, flus and other illnesses floating out there. Regardless of geography, the germs found us. My hubby was yakking his brains out Wednesday. Yay for Round Table (that’s where I took the kids to get them out of the house)! I think I spent almost $5 on those dumb tattoos/stickers/jewelry/toy machines that now cost 50 cents a pop.

Thank God there isn’t a Target in Ketchum. Somehow we (either me or my hubby) found a reason to go to Target every day. By the time I took the kids on an errand there on Day 5 my daughter instructed me which way to go so that she could show me the Cinderella roller skates she wanted for her birthday (which is in October, btw).

Connecting with friends, and not. The truly great part about where our office is located is that it’s near a few of my dearest friends. However, when I travel with the kids it feels almost impossible to juggle work, nap, family and bed times so that I can successfully connect with friends. DRATS. I missed three of my fantabulous friends this time around, which really sucked. On the bright side, I did see one of my girlfriends that had just given birth to a very adorable baby boy the week before. I heart babies.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Making it official.

Technorati Profile

Diary of my last trip.

Commuting again. I used to live in the Bay Area for several years so for the life of me I can’t understand how I am so municipal transportationally challenged. I think my coworker wanted to kick my arse for asking so many “obvious” qs about CalTrain. The only reason she probably did not put on the hurt is because we’re on the same client team and it might have put her in a bind. The train ride was actually great for mental prep time. LAME though that none of the bullets have wireless yet. Isn’t this supposed to be the land of the original technology boom?

Recruiting. Met with two candidates last week while in Calif. Both were solid. Nice to see an upswing in the talent pool again. For a while there was a serious famine in the SCE/Supe/Director pool. Still seems very much like the employees’ market, but promising to see engaging, talented and bright folks back at that level. Yay for us!

Client lunch. Our “quick lunch date” turned ugly as it became “that hostess hates us” at P.F. Changs. Darn good thing my ground chicken and eggplant plate was MMMmmmmm good. Also solid company. Always a fun time when even after six+ years of working side-by-side w/ a client you still learn a little “dirt” on them. It’s also fun to lightly haze the “newer” (almost three years on the account as compared to my nearly seven) folks on the account too. Bingo, anyone?

Footloose. No blisters this time. Hallelujah. Of course, it’s winter and I wore only boots rather than strappy sandals and stilettos. Whatever. Just glad my extremities were happy with the shoe choices.

New faces. Got to physically meet a few of the folks that joined our crazy fam in recent months. Although entrenched in the new hire process, this was the first opportunity I’d had to meet two of our new peeps. Seem like very solid additions and I’m damn glad to have them onboard.

What the hell was that? We took one of our candidates to the Samovar Tea Lounge in S.F. Conversation and company were great. Tea was great. What they define as a “veggie” for the Japanese meal is not at all fair to a Western bacon cheeseburger-loving lady like me. Something green, slippery and horridly fragrant slithered down my throat unexpectedly while in the middle of the interview. I looked, wide eyed and aghast, to my colleague and although she kept the conversation moving and pretended not to notice for the sake of the interview, I could tell that she was laughing AT me on the inside – I saw that evil spark in her eye.

SAUSAGE. I had such fun playing the sausage game while in the office. Every office should have some version of this game.

And on that fond memory of playing sausage, I am signing off.

He's back. And so am I.